Hand writing positive affirmations to be repeated for at least 66 days

How Long Should You Do Affirmations For?

Affirmations for Bliss 

Affirmations are a powerful self-help tool for improving your mental state and self-esteem. But how long should you do affirmations for?

The answer to this question is not as simple as it might seem. There are many factors that come into play when you make the decision of how long to do affirmations for.

One of the most important factors is the time you dedicate to this practice. Many people recommend that you do it for at least 30 days before you start seeing changes, but we believe that 66 days is the minimum necessary for your mind to understand the result you want to achieve.

Why 66 days? According to some studies, it takes the same number of days for an activity to become a habit in your life.

How long does it take for positive affirmations to work?

It is difficult to give you a concrete answer. But the more you repeat your affirmations, the faster you will see the benefits.It is worth mentioning that certain behaviors, phobias or problems are more difficult to fix than others. Keep in mind that if you want to get rid of a habit that you have done for the last 20 years of your life, it will take longer to get rid of it.

It’s the same with negative beliefs. Negative unconscious thought patterns take years to accumulate, so getting rid of them may take longer.

We have seen that the best results are obtained if you dedicate at least 10 minutes 3 times a day, for at least 66 days.

It is important to mention that to see the best results, positive and effective affirmations must always go hand in hand with hard work, discipline and motivation.

How often to do affirmations?

You should repeat your affirmations every day. Do this for the first few months. After that, once it has become a habit. you can do 3 to 5 times a week.

Think of any other skill you want to improve in your life. The more you practice it, the better. Eventually, your practice will become a habit and you will develop passion and motivation, so the results will come faster.

Ideally, you should say them or hear them just before going to bed, or just as you wake up. The affirmations can also be recorded on your cell phone and played back periodically throughout the day for as long as desired. These positive statements will become ingrained in your mind due to hearing them constantly – because they’ll always be there!

By the way, you can say affirmations in your head, write them down or listen to them. All strategies have the same positive effects as long as you set the right intentions and you have the right attitude.

How to know if my affirmations are working?

It is difficult to objectively measure the results of this type of practice. But always listen to your emotions. Measure your emotions from 1 to 10.

Imagine that you are repeating positive affirmations to feel more self-confident. At this moment: how confident do you feel about your abilities?

Do you feel confident around other people?

Make a habit of asking yourself these types of questions 2 or 3 times a week. Be honest with yourself and notice small improvements. Little by little you will perceive yourself in a more positive way.

At other times, you may find that the way you perceive a certain event, person or thought has changed over time. Imagine that you want to get rid of your fear of visiting your doctor so that the next time you have an appointment at your doctor’s office, you are less nervous.

You may not realize it, but over time, you’ll remember that it’s been a long time since you were stressed before your appointment. Usually, it’s the people around you who notice that certain behaviors of yours have changed. And this totally makes sense! At the end of the day, you have repeated the same thing hundreds of times.

It is obvious that your brain modifies your behaviors and the way you perceive things.

Man with open arms repeating positive affirmations

How many affirmations per day should I repeat?

Don’t forget that quality is far more important than quantity. In your daily practice of affirmations, commit to dedicating quality time to yourself and your goals. Build a routine where you are in a quiet place with no distractions. What’s really important is that you put emotion and intention into each affirmation. It doesn’t matter if you repeat each phrase only a few times, but do it with conviction, believing strongly in what you are saying and convinced that you are already achieving it.

One of the most important aspects to work on is the confidence and determination with which the affirmations are repeated. In the same way that you respond when someone asks you your age, nationality or profession, you must repeat your positive affirmations with certainty.

At the end of the day, the phrases you repeat are statements that describe you. When was the last time you responded with doubt and uncertainty when someone asked you your nationality? It is something that is so impregnated in you, that you say it without hesitating whether it is true or not.

In the same way that you answer: “I am Canadian“, you should be able to tell yourself “I am abundant”, “I am healthy”.

Structure your positive affirmations in your favor

Let’s take the example of a person who wants to exercise several times a week. Her affirmations can touch on several things: “I am a healthy person“, “I love to exercise”, “I am a healthy person“, “I love to exercise“, etc. etc.

Let’s suppose that, for life’s reasons, this person realizes that he/she can only realistically exercise twice a week. She could then add sentences of like:

“I exercise 2 times a week”,

“I am a motivated and disciplined person who exercises 2 times a week”.

This type of sentences will have more power in her subconscious mind, since it is totally true that she is a person who, thanks to her discipline and effort, works out 2 times a week.


Repeating positive affirmations is not an exact science. A daily affirmation practice’s results may vary from person to person and require a certain level of concentration, self-belief, discipline and motivation. Just as it takes about 66 days to form a habit in your life, we recommend that you repeat your affirmations for the same period of time, so that your subconscious mind becomes used to these affirmations and makes them part of your identity.

To make them more powerful and accelerate results, affirmations can be accompanied with creative visualization. Image of a new self. Visualize yourself doing or being what your affirmations describe. To accomplish this, you need to carry out this practice in a calm and comfortable environment.

What other advice do you have on this topic? Leave us a comment telling us your successful results or transformation experience regarding positive thinking and your self-empowerment journey.

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